Friday, March 26, 2010

People actually read these things?!

Have you ever felt like laughing, crying and banging your head against a wall at the same time?

It's a confusing feeling...I imagine the look on my face was as perplexed as the face staring back at me.  3 times in the last week when I have been talking about blogs the person to whom I was speaking said "people actually read these things?" 

My answer emphatic "YES!"  Granted the followership of my blog is a grand total of 1 - and that's me - but bear with me I'm just starting out.  Someday you will quote this blog...and I will smile contentedly knowing that my Friday afternoon musings weren't falling on deaf ears.

World wide there are over 130 million blogs!  This blog right here, was one of about 1 million blog posts the day it was written.  I can estimate that of the 364 million people reading blogs today, this one may only reach ... well ... not that many.

But I digress.  The point is 77% of active internet users read blogs.  That's an incredible figure!  It explains why a local radio station announcer can have 20,000 blog page views a month, if 77% of their listeners who are active internet users read blogs...that's a lot of readers.  And the connection the announcer already has with their audience is invaluable...and the reason that they can bring a few thousand people to read their blog in a few hours, while my blog - by comparison - well we've already addressed that.

So the first question is...why aren't you keeping a blog?  Surely it is something that you lack which is preventing you from doing so....time, inspiration, spell check....if you honestly cannot embrace the concept of a weekly journal, then forget friends in high (or low) places, you need some in digital spaces.

YES...people actually read these just did!  You have now joined 363,999,999 others...welcome to the club!


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